Sex Offenses

Sex crimes can be some of the most difficult charges to face, not only due to the potential penalties, but because of the intensity of the social stigma they carry. This stigma can cause widespread bias against you before you get your day in court, and is likely to extend negatively into your personal life, work, and living opportunities. These cases can often come down to one person’s word against another’s, and can be socially difficult even when the allegation remains unproven. If you’ve been accused of sexual assault, rape, or any other sex-related crime, it is imperative that you seek out a skilled defense attorney who can keep attention focused on the facts.


Sex-Related Crimes
Alabama State Law defines many sex crimes, which can be divided into:

-Rape and other types of sexual assault on an adult
-Sexual abuse of a child and other child-related sex crimes
-Prostitution-related charges
-Indecent exposure, public lewdness and other “nuisance” sex charges
-First-degree rape is among the most serious of these, defined as intercourse by force, intercourse with someone who is physically helpless or mentally incapacitated, or intercourse by anyone age 16 or older with a child under 12. Molestation of a child is charged as rape in Alabama and is also taken very seriously–prosecutors will ask for the maximum possible sentencing.


Misdemeanor charges include indecent exposure and public lewdness laws that prohibit public display of genitals. Prostitution laws cover suppliers, customers, and “pimps,” and can range from misdemeanor to felony depending on the age of the people involved, the degree of consent, and the size of the business.


If you’re facing sex-related charges, your reputation and your future are at stake. Our defense lawyers will sift through all available evidence to find and expose flimsy “proof” or violations of your rights that may result in lowered or dropped charges. We will defend you with all our expertise and experience in local sex crime law, using all means available to us to defend you.


Contact any of our lawyers today. Our firm never charges for a consultation. If you’ve been charged with any crime, contact us here regarding a free consultation.


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