Drug Offenses

Because of the suspected link between drug use and other criminal acts, Alabama law is especially tough on drug offenses, so it’s important to find a criminal defense attorney early when facing narcotics charges. Even nonviolent drug crimes can result in long prison sentences or thousands of dollars in fines, and juries can often be unsympathetic.


Facing a narcotics charge can feel frightening and overwhelming, and we’re here to do everything in our power to help you in your specific circumstances.


Our firm can help with any of the following drug offenses:
-Marijuana or methamphetamine charges
-Juvenile drug charges
-Simple narcotics possession
-Unlawful possession of prescription drugs
-Drug-related DUI
-Possession of drug paraphernalia
-Manufacturing or cultivation
-Selling drugs, on a small scale or trafficking


We can help you explore alternative sentencing to avoid excessive jail time. Alternative sentencing options can include drug court, drug diversion programs, work-release programs, supervised probation, and more. If you’re facing a first offense or a nonviolent offense, these are strong possibilities to avoid incarceration.


Drug Possession:
Unlawful possession of a controlled substance (UPOCS) is the most common narcotics violation in the state of Alabama. This includes drugs that are legal with a valid prescription for those who do not have a valid prescription, as well as any substance on the state or federal lists of controlled substances.


Alabama considers not only well-known drugs like marijuana, heroin, and cocaine to be controlled substances, but also the compounds used to manufacture them. Possessing drug paraphernalia is also illegal.


If you are accused of drug possession, you need an experienced defense lawyer to help minimize penalties and protect your rights.


Contact any of our lawyers today. Our firm never charges for a consultation. If you’ve been charged with any crime, contact us here regarding a free consultation.


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